Venue Sourcing

Our free (yes, free!) global venue sourcing service will save you time and money in finding the perfect spot for your event. As one of the first stages of event management, it’s so important to get right. And, with so many options out there, it can feel pretty daunting; you have your list of requirements, but where do you start? That’s where we come in. Our venue experts have spent their careers travelling the world and discovering new venues of every description. Our years of experience and long list of contacts means we can match your requirements to the best venues in the world.

How Does Our Free Global Venue Finding Service Work?

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Once you submit your request, we’ll contact you to understand exactly what you need, and our multi-lingual team will distribute your brief to the most suitable venues.

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We’ll prepare a clear proposal of options, including all of the key information. Then, working together, we’ll provide a shortlist.

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Site visit time! We’ll arrange for you to visit the venue; from your transport to your dinners, we’ll organise it all.

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Once you’ve chosen, we’ll support the negotiation process and manage the contract reading if required. And voila! You’ll have your perfect venue secured.

Our Venue Sourcing Services Include…

Free national and international venue proposals
Expert recommendation
Social evening venue recommendations
Fast turnaround
Contract negotiation on your behalf
Optional Event Management Services
Conference venue finding
Roadshow venue finding
Award ceremony venue finding

Want to get started? Contact us now.

Tailored exactly to YOUR needs

Nothing we do is standard or off the shelf. We tailor-make each event project management strategy to fit your brief, flexing to your needs. No matter your goals, budget and timeline, we are equipped for every situation where planning, calm, logical and sometimes sideways thinking is required.

Our team of event professionals love what they do and this comes across on every project we work on. We throw our heart and soul into each one!

Get in touch with us today to start your journey.

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